Friday, June 10, 2011

EVE Incarna (Final Blog)

Blog #32
EVE Incarna is a new expansion set in the EVE online universe. EVE online is an MMORPG space faring game. The new expansion will allow all players to dock inside a station and move around with their actual characters. Before this expansion, players could never leave the confines of the space ship they were piloting at the time. This expansion will add even more freedom to the EVE online world. The new expansion also re-worked the turrets so they look very appealing and have new motions. One ship known as a Maller (cruiser) as had a beautiful re-skin and looks absolutely stunning. EVE Incarna has been in production since 2008, and player’s dreams are finally becoming a reality (in a game world). The articles about Incarna are located on the EVE site known as developer diaries. Incarna is set to be one of the most anticipated EVE expansions.
EVE Incarna will make the EVE even more unique from other games. First of all, anything is possible in EVE, the world spans and entire galaxy with over 1000+ star systems. You can explore wormholes, fight thousands of other players in Outlaw space, or just be a free-trader. The choice is yours. Incarna will add an even more “sand box effect (sensitive dependence on initial conditions)” to EVE online. Incarna will allow players to socialize outside of their space ships.

EVE has been on the shelves since 2003, it is a hard game, yes but thousands of people play it daily. There is only one server, and on that server, 30,000 people+ may be on it at once. EVE online is one of the most successful MMORPG games that use only 1 server. I would like to see EVE have better missions for beginners as new players tend to get lost in the gigantic world of EVE quite fast.
EVE no doubt is going to live for a very, very long time. The game has gone through multiple graphics enhancements’ and about 11 expansions, still unlike World of Warcraft, the game is not ruined.

This may be my FINAL blog on this particular topic (upcoming MMO’s) I may write more, until we meet again, stay golden.

Friday, June 3, 2011


RAGE is an upcoming console game in development by Bethesda and ID Softworks. Bethesda Softworks is the team that produced the Fallout series, one of the bestselling RPG games of all time. Like the Fallout installments, RAGE is set in a post-apocalyptic waste land. The world is explorable to the last detail. RAGE is a fast paced first person shooter. The game combined “Call of Duty” fast paced aspects with “Fallout’s” RPG like structure. The graphics of RAGE are life like with modern physics and character movements. RAGE will feature many things such as a fully open world, gambling, vehicles, and possible online co-op gameplay. RAGE also features modern guns, and futuristic guns and automated turrets.
I would like to see RAGE be one of the bestselling post-apocalyptic games on the market. I would also like it to be as engaging as the Fallout series and not repetitive. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are almost never ending stories with over 300 hours of gameplay. I hope that RAGE will have exiting missions that will not just involve killing monsters but, collecting items, escorting people, and driving in your own customized vehicle. RAGE will also have a few things Fallout 3 and New Vegas did not, one will be vehicles and the other will be engaging combat. Many Fallout players use VATS (similar to a turn based fight) to win any battles.

I am hoping that RAGE will have online play where your friends can join your world and explore with you. Similar to how they did it in Borderlands. If RAGE features a good multiplayer, as well as a place for players to get to gather and interact, rather than doing 6v6 Team Deathmatch where it’s always versus, players will bond and enjoy the game more. Imagine being placed in a world by yourself, you get lost, you call your friends and they help you escape from wherever you are.
RAGE will be an astounding leap for post-apocalyptic RPG games around the world. The game will feature so much interaction, just like in the Fallout series. RAGE will be on all major consoles and possibly the PC; its release date is closer to the end of 2011.

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Star Wars Video!

Star Wars the Old Republic has released a new video about their upcoming MMORPG. It is about the player vs. player aspect of the game. Players can choose to play as either Sith or the Republic depending on what side they choose. The player vs. player looks very engaging as each character seems to be doing something important. The close combat characters are holding the other side at bay while the healing classes keep their health up. Some of the characters are getting into ambush positions (1:06). This character is most likely an imperial agent because they rely on stealth and ambush. 

The objective of the game is to capture the gun battery and possibly other objectives so you can secure the map. I also see that the player vs. player requires you to move around to survive. It looks very engaging! The article explains what the battles will be like and the history of the planet Alderaan (where the battle takes place). In the trailer there are signs of vehicles such as jet bikes. I hope players are able to ride these into battle at insanely high speeds. This article interests me because it tells you the objectives. The players in the game look as if they have low-mid level armor so I plan on this warzone being available for players early on.

 One thing I would like for Star Wars: The Old Republic to add in the article is more information. Many people look forward to this game but Bioware (the producers) have not yet revealed the release date. Many people think it will be released in April of 2011 but no one is 100 percent certain. I am hoping that the player vs. player in this game will be top notch in every way because it is what I look forward to the most. I cannot wait for this game to be released!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

RIFT: The Elemental Planes UNLEASHED!

Rift the Online Adventure Game

RIFT is a newly released MMORPG game developed by a fairly new company, Trion. RIFT is not and ordinary MMO. RIFT sets an example for future MMORPG’s because it has imagined something that has never been done before in an MMO in a large scale. Once a Rift opens, tons of monsters and other creatures seeking to destroy you flow out. It is the player’s job to stop the Rift from destroying the towns in the region. You may log in one day and find that all the NPC’s (non-player characters) are dead, and you cannot turn in your quests. When a Rift is defeated players will get loot based on their performance and their participation, not on some random loot roll.

The class systems mixed with invasions make RIFT score high on the top game raters across the world. One is which gave it 8.7 out of 10. I hope to see RIFT evolve more in the future. I would like to see RIFT add more dungeons and quest lines that make people work together, not just Rifts. People may get bored of doing Rifts, and gathering loot 24/7.

Over all, the articles written about Rift make the game look very decent. One video log about it states that RIFT is an ever changing game world. One minute everything can be peaceful and dandy, the next the sky blackens and monsters pour out from multiple Rifts at once. RIFT is a perfect blend of chaos, confusion, mayhem, fun, and fantasy.

If RIFT keeps up on listening to its players, adding new scenarios for RIFT’s, and strengthens the already fantastic class system, RIFT will surely be an MMO that competes with big shots such as World of Warcraft and Lord of The Rings Online.