I am looking for even more content for this game. It gets updates frequently to protect the game and its users from hackers and viruses. I am interested in the fact that the game never dies out like console fps’s such as the Call of Duty installments. The game has been around for quite a few years and its player base is growing steadily, with over 3million players. I am excited that Nexon now gives free hard- to- get items on the holidays. I am looking forward to getting very special items from Nexon’s new service.
I agree that Nexon is doing a good job with keeping its players happy. They do not have buggy servers like other fps game have. Combat Arms has the most players of an MMOFPS on the American market. I think it would be wise for Nexon to have a greater customer service department. They do not have many English speaking people working with Nexon (Nexon is a Korean company). As a result of this, Nexon’s costumer service usually takes a long time to respond to problems. Overall I think Combat Arms is the best MMOFPS game that I know of. There is so much choice and depth.