Friday, December 10, 2010


World of Warcraft Cataclysm has launched! This broad new expansion will feature many redesigns of the already huge game world. Two new races will also be added. There are two factions in the game that your character can align with, the Horde or Alliance. The Horde faction will recruit the deadly goblins into their ranks of battle hardened soldiers. The Alliance will unite with the Worgen (wolf like humanoids).  World of Warcraft is an MMORPG game set it a fantasy universe. There is a mass amount of content. Some people estimate the play time to be 8000+ hours to complete every objective in the game. The article was written by the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm-wow reviews and guides team. The authors give their own opinions as well as important facts.

The article explains many MMO retailing things that are significant to my own blog. The article gives us a synopsis of upcoming features.  It also states the prices for the games. The article gives quotes from Blizzard game producers. They say that “this expansion will shatter the previous expansion sales”.

I am very excited to enjoy the content is this World of Warcraft expansion.  Blizzard has(the creators of World of Warcraft) changed the entire game world to make it more eye appealing and worthwhile. Before the expansion, the world was bland with not many storyline quests. Know the whole game is refurbished with many storyline quests and vibrant detail. During the launch other people were so anxious to log in to get a head start on leveling. The queue to log in on my realm was over 2600!

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