Progression in Star Wars: The Old Republic
As SWTOR gets closer to release, Bioware, the producers have releasing some footage about the progression of characters as the player’s adventures through the game world. The 8 classes will look different and act different from each. This will give the game a sense of much needed uniqueness. SWTOR has released the video of the Sith Warrior class progress. This progression of the character not only includes looks, but new abilities also. The look and feel of the character will vary depending on what class the player chooses to play. Bioware has promised the every class look elite instead of just an ordinary soldier.
The video concerning the progression of the Sith Warrior class features new armor, abilities, and talents that players will be able to utilize when they play this class. The Sith Warrior is meant to be a melee focused class who gets up close and personal with the enemy. The Sith Warrior has devastating attacks that help in with the battle. What is so interesting is that this class is similar to the super villains in the Star Wars movie saga. One in particular is the infamous Darth Vader. Vader uses his abilities and brute strength to defeat his enemies in battle.