Friday, April 29, 2011

How Progression Will Have an Impact in SWTOR

Progression in Star Wars: The Old Republic

As SWTOR gets closer to release, Bioware, the producers have releasing some footage about the progression of characters as the player’s adventures through the game world. The 8 classes will look different and act different from each. This will give the game a sense of much needed uniqueness. SWTOR has released the video of the Sith Warrior class progress. This progression of the character not only includes looks, but new abilities also. The look and feel of the character will vary depending on what class the player chooses to play. Bioware has promised the every class look elite instead of just an ordinary soldier.

The video concerning the progression of the Sith Warrior class features new armor, abilities, and talents that players will be able to utilize when they play this class. The Sith Warrior is meant to be a melee focused class who gets up close and personal with the enemy. The Sith Warrior has devastating attacks that help in with the battle. What is so interesting is that this class is similar to the super villains in the Star Wars movie saga. One in particular is the infamous Darth Vader. Vader uses his abilities and brute strength to defeat his enemies in battle.

When SWTOR is released, I am hoping that players are able to be like Darth Vader. The two specializations (Sith Marauder and Sith Juggernaut) have different roles and style of play. One absorbs tons of damage and the other dishes out tons of damage. Player will most likely enjoy being all powerful and evil, just like Darth Vader in the movies. Players will enjoy this and be evermore in love with the game. This would lead to this game being a success within the MMO gaming franchise

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dawn Of War 2

Dawn of War 2 is an MMORTS game developed by Relic Entertainment. MMORTS stands for massively multiplayer online real time strategy game. These games involve controlling units and usually capturing objectives and destroying the other players units. The majority of MMORTS games are played on the PC as a result of them being too advanced for console platforms. DoW2 is the sequel to the bestselling game, Dawn of War. Dow2 features smaller maps, and less base building, but emphasizes on unit control. Since the release, the game has undergone numerous patches and three expansions. The articles talk about the expansion, specifically the newest one, Dawn of War Retribution.

I am interested in the fact that DoW2 has finally introduced playable armies that DoW had done so quickly. The Imperial Guard is the newest race. They are most ordinary humans with very powerful tanks and other machines. The articles explain the strategies for using the Imperial Guard and the units. In my opinion, the Imperial Guard is the only army that starts rolling out armored vehicles at the very beginning of combat. This makes strategies against infantry based armies hard to use.

I am excited to see that many people are joining the game every day. There are numerous YouTube channels that review the online replays. The best commentators are full of excitement. Many MMORTS game commentators do not have much excitement which can lead to the game becoming boring very quickly.

DoW2 is already a great game with people online all over the world 24/7. The game has many units and 6 playable races. The races use different techniques and strategies to defeat each other. In my opinion, this is what makes the game so unique.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lord Of The Rings Online

The Lord Of the Rings Online is a free MMORPG game developed by Turbine and in partnership which Tolkien. The game is heavily base of the bestselling novels, The Lord Of The Rings. The game represents the magnificent wonder of Middle Earth. LOTRO is a very developed game, players can choose from one of the 6 classes. They can venture about killing monsters or fulfilling quests, or they could build their own home and relax in it. In LOTRO players get the feel of how life would be like living in the Lord Of The Rings novels. The team who developed LOTRO has written some interesting articles describing game mechanics, storylines, and much more
I found it interesting that LOTRO has enabled players to build houses. Games such as World Of Warcraft are linear and revolve only around fighting monsters and leveling professions. Turbine has also managed to keep roleplaying alive as World of Warcraft’s roleplay is slowly dying. I also found it interesting that players can write blogs about their adventures through Middle Earth, and post them on the main website.
LOTRO is very much alive. It is estimated to have around 2-3 million created accounts with 30,000-50,000 people playing every day simultaneously. LOTRO is expanding everyday, with new players flowing in from all over the globe. Another thing that makes LOTRO so enjoyable is that the base game is free. Although, if a player wants extra contend he must pay a few dollars tom get it.
LOTRO is a great game that can be enjoyable to people of all ages. The community is really friendly, and the Turbine team works very hard to give players what they want.

Friday, April 1, 2011

DC Universe: ONLINE

DC Universe Online
DC Universe Online is the next big superhero MMO game. The game is on both the PC and the PS3. Both PC and PS3 players can interact with each other in game. DCUO features almost all of the famous superheroes and villains from the DC comic books installments. The articles are on the DCUO website, the articles talk about things such as costumes, and new gameplay mechanics. DCUO is a fairly new game within the MMO franchise. One of the most interesting articles is the one about end game raiding and alerts. Endgame material is what a player does when he/she has obtained the highest level possible within the game.  There will be many villains and heroes to fight depending on which side you fight for.

DCUO is so interesting because it is one of the most successful games to implicate the cross-platform system. Most online MMO games are only on the PC. DCUO is compatible with PS3 and PC at the same time. DCUO is sometimes criticized as a result of the simplicity when implementing simple to use PS3 controls. I would like to see DCUO show non-believers that PC and other consoles systems can be compatible with each other, and still very fun games.

DCUO is sure to have elements from the DC comics, superheroes such as Superman, Batman and Wonder woman and villains such as the Joker will be your contacts throughout the game. Another thing that makes DCUO so unique is that a player can choose what weapons he/she will wield, what superpowers, and what movement powers he wants to use to travel. This adds a sense of uniqueness within the game.

DCUO is set to be a very exciting and fun game. I hope that they can keep their players occupied enough so they do not grow bored like some previous Sony MMO’s. I also hope the Sony does not update the game without talking to the community about it first. Sony has made the same stupid mistakes multiple times, and lost millions of dollars.