Friday, April 1, 2011

DC Universe: ONLINE

DC Universe Online
DC Universe Online is the next big superhero MMO game. The game is on both the PC and the PS3. Both PC and PS3 players can interact with each other in game. DCUO features almost all of the famous superheroes and villains from the DC comic books installments. The articles are on the DCUO website, the articles talk about things such as costumes, and new gameplay mechanics. DCUO is a fairly new game within the MMO franchise. One of the most interesting articles is the one about end game raiding and alerts. Endgame material is what a player does when he/she has obtained the highest level possible within the game.  There will be many villains and heroes to fight depending on which side you fight for.

DCUO is so interesting because it is one of the most successful games to implicate the cross-platform system. Most online MMO games are only on the PC. DCUO is compatible with PS3 and PC at the same time. DCUO is sometimes criticized as a result of the simplicity when implementing simple to use PS3 controls. I would like to see DCUO show non-believers that PC and other consoles systems can be compatible with each other, and still very fun games.

DCUO is sure to have elements from the DC comics, superheroes such as Superman, Batman and Wonder woman and villains such as the Joker will be your contacts throughout the game. Another thing that makes DCUO so unique is that a player can choose what weapons he/she will wield, what superpowers, and what movement powers he wants to use to travel. This adds a sense of uniqueness within the game.

DCUO is set to be a very exciting and fun game. I hope that they can keep their players occupied enough so they do not grow bored like some previous Sony MMO’s. I also hope the Sony does not update the game without talking to the community about it first. Sony has made the same stupid mistakes multiple times, and lost millions of dollars.

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