Friday, October 29, 2010

Skaven, Sieges, Super Weapons Oh My!

The article is written by Mythic Entertainment. The hosts are Andy Belford and Carrie Gouskos.

Since 2008 Warhammer Online has reached out and touched the lives of over 500,000 players worldwide. Warhammer online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (or MMORPG for short) based off of the table-top battle game Warhammer Fantasy. Warhammer online relies heavily on RvR warfare. RvR is realm vs. realm warfare where players combat other players. Players can participate in RvR warfare even at level 1! Mythic Entertainment has recently released a sneak-peak of an expansion coming to Warhammer Online.

The article and preview mini-clip explains the changes coming to Warhammer Online. One new thing is the items shop. Now, players may be doubtful of this new add-on but I think it will be good for the game. The host's in the video state that there will be no "I win button items" like there are in other games. Another thing that players will get to experience is the brand new siege warfare. New siege weapons will be in place such as reaper bolt throwers and huge cannons. I am still only scratching the surface though. With the release of the new content, there will be a new race to play. The Skaven! The Skaven are rat men who live underground in their vast tunnels. They long to conquer the surface world. Players will be able to use all of this fresh content within the next few months. It surely sounds interesting!
I think they should add another race to Warhammer Online as well as the Skaven. This may create an imbalance between order (the good guys) and destruction (the bad guys). It is most likely that the skaven are going to be on the destruction faction because they are evil, unforgiving, and hate man-kind. This may mean that the Order may be outnumbered. I think this expansion will boost the player base if they can get the word out. As of this moment the player base is quite low with less than 60,000 players world-wide. They should add more types of RvR so player won’t have to keep doing the same thing over and over. If all goes right, we could see more people playing Warhammer Online in the near future. The new content should really refurbish the game.

Friday, October 22, 2010


 World Of Warcraft, is about to be changed forever with the release of the Cataclysm. The world will suffer a great sundering that will lead to new areas. new quests, and new enemies. The person who causes the sundering is named Deathwing. He is the main villain in World of Warcraft Cataclysm. The level cap will be raised to 85 ( from 80) and there will be two new races to play. The goblins, and the worgen. Almost everything will be re-done. The scenery will have more detail and the classes will have more abilities. Gamestop seems really excited to play this game!

    This article is interesting in many ways. It explains what will be going on during the sundering. The world will literally fall apart. Cracks will divide the world. Dragons and many other deadly creatures will invade the world. The release of the 3rd expansion for World of Warcraft will most defiantly take its rightful place in MMO history. Getting the chance to blog about the game is a blessing, as I play World Of Warcraft quite often.

   I am interested in finding out how this game will turn out. Hopefully Blizzard has put enough time and effort to make this a good game. Their latest expansion (Wrath of The Lich King) was lacking many game tools and it was dull and boring. Luckily, you can do many more things in this new expansion. I am very hyped up for the release! I am hoping that this game will grow into something larger than it already is. article website

A Dark Millennium

       The company Games Workshop is partnered up with THQ and Vigil Games to create a new massively multiplayer online game (MMOG). It is set in the 41st millennium and it is based on one of the most successful table top games ever known, Warhammer 40,000. Warhammer 40,000 (or w40k for shor)t is a futuristic table-top game where players control armies of models. Players built and paint the models themselves. The game lore is very well written and very understandable. There is now an MMOG about it, meaning that players will be able to enjoy w40k on the table-top and on the computer! This article was found on The article gives special previews for the game such as in-game screen shots. The article is written by Rich McCormick. He states that the game is most likely to be shooter game. I also agree with this. I also hope this is not a point and click game (such as Runescape), as the gameplay gets very repetitive.

     One thing I found interesting about this preview is that the game seems to be built on war. This probably means that there will be less peaceful pastimes such as player housing and crafting. Instead the three companies decided to bulk up Dark Millennium and add more action. This will probably in people who play first person shooter games such as Call of Duty. Dark Millennium will also have another twist, vehicles. From what Rich McCormick stated, there will be tons of vehicles, from huge titans (bi-pedal war machines) to nimble jet bikes (anti-gravity skimmers). They will all be available for players to pilot. I’m eager to find out how much action this game really has. If it does, then no other MMOFPS game could match it. Dark Millennium could possibly be an epic success or a terrible failure.

    I have been waiting for a w40k online game ever since I started playing the tabletop version in 2005. My friends and I used to play it quite a bit. I agree that this game should continue to be constructed. It will give MMO players something to get their blood rushing. The combat looks very exciting and fast paced! One thing I hope the three companies will add is more races. I only saw space marines (heavily armored good guys), imperial guard (humans), and Chaos space marines (the opposite and mortal enemies of the space marines). I really hope they add alien like races such as eldar (sleek armored humanoids). I am keeping an open mind about this game. It looks very nice, but as one of the first MMOFPS games created by a major company, it might not turn out as we want it to. Rich McCormick seems pretty excited to me. He seems eager that a MMOFPS game is going to be released.

   Overall this game looks to be pretty good. The nice graphics add to the appeal of the game. Dark Millennium should turn out well if the producers listen to what the players want and not what they want. This will make many Warhammer 40,000 fans happy. It will also lead to decent game sales. I am excited about an MMOFPS game based on my favorite tabletop game!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lego Universe is live!!

                                               LEGO UNIVERSE
Friday October 8, 2010 Lego Universe goes live after years of development.

    Lego Universe is a massively multiplayer online game or MMOG/MMORPG for short.
You can create your own unique avatar and start constructing and having fun in a virtual 3d world! Players are able to build almost anything they wish, and use it. From castles to race cars and rockets, nothing is impossible. The main quest in the game is to save imagination from the deadly maelstrom villains. You can choose between four factions. The Sentinels (knights in armor). The Venture league (pirates with a taste for risk). Paradox (red ninjas). The Assembly (builders). Together they form the protectors of imagination, the Nexus Force. I found out about this article on MMO reviews and decided to do my own "review".

    I found out about this game going live on the Lego Universe website. It was supposed to launch October 16th for the people who pre-ordered it. I find this article interesting because it literally dissects all of the many different things you can do. From exploring to fighting monsters. It shows you the different building techniques and ways to build. I was planning on writing about this game once it was released. There it could have more relation to “Upcoming MMO's".

    I cannot wait until I can play this game. The article gives much detail and makes the game look very interesting and fun. I agree that this game is good. It will give young kids something to look forward to and to escape from the woes of homework and school for a few hours. This will make kids’ worldwide happier. This game will be very good from what I have seen. The game world is very expansive and players will have tons of fun exploring.