Friday, October 29, 2010

Skaven, Sieges, Super Weapons Oh My!

The article is written by Mythic Entertainment. The hosts are Andy Belford and Carrie Gouskos.

Since 2008 Warhammer Online has reached out and touched the lives of over 500,000 players worldwide. Warhammer online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (or MMORPG for short) based off of the table-top battle game Warhammer Fantasy. Warhammer online relies heavily on RvR warfare. RvR is realm vs. realm warfare where players combat other players. Players can participate in RvR warfare even at level 1! Mythic Entertainment has recently released a sneak-peak of an expansion coming to Warhammer Online.

The article and preview mini-clip explains the changes coming to Warhammer Online. One new thing is the items shop. Now, players may be doubtful of this new add-on but I think it will be good for the game. The host's in the video state that there will be no "I win button items" like there are in other games. Another thing that players will get to experience is the brand new siege warfare. New siege weapons will be in place such as reaper bolt throwers and huge cannons. I am still only scratching the surface though. With the release of the new content, there will be a new race to play. The Skaven! The Skaven are rat men who live underground in their vast tunnels. They long to conquer the surface world. Players will be able to use all of this fresh content within the next few months. It surely sounds interesting!
I think they should add another race to Warhammer Online as well as the Skaven. This may create an imbalance between order (the good guys) and destruction (the bad guys). It is most likely that the skaven are going to be on the destruction faction because they are evil, unforgiving, and hate man-kind. This may mean that the Order may be outnumbered. I think this expansion will boost the player base if they can get the word out. As of this moment the player base is quite low with less than 60,000 players world-wide. They should add more types of RvR so player won’t have to keep doing the same thing over and over. If all goes right, we could see more people playing Warhammer Online in the near future. The new content should really refurbish the game.

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